Hmong women weave hemp into a sturdy textile. They use a wax resist technique and indigo dye to create their beautiful blue and white geometric textile art.
Dipping a little metal stylus into a pot of hot wax and used it to draw slowly and deliberately onto the hemp. Very regularly, they would put the little pot back on the coal to keep it at just the right temperature.
After the entire strip of fabric is designed with wax, it will be dyed with indigo several times to produce a deep blue color. The wax is then boiled away and the finished textile remains. According to a folk tale, at a point in time the Hmong were not allowed to have a written language so the women hid letters in their textiles. There is much symbology remaining in the designs used on the wax resist (and appliqué and embroidery) such as a snail pattern symbolizing family and an elephant’s footprint signifying prosperity.
At Body&Soul’s Boutique, our Ethnic Collection products are carefully hand-picked at each location we encounter different Ethnic Groups through out Vietnam, which is why no items are identical to each other.
Product Description:
This “H’mong Textile Teacup Coaster” is hand-made by the H’mong women.
– Material: Hemp, Cotton
– Fabric Technique: Appliqué, Batik, Embroidered
– Shape: Square
– Sold: per piece
– Usage: Suitable for placing coins/money or even as a pencilcase
Our location:
– Body&Soul’s boutique: Ngõ 12 phố Đặng Thai Mai, số 15B Xóm Chùa, Quảng An, Tây Hồ, Hà Nội.
– Body&Soul Spa: 53 Tô Ngọc Vân, Tây Hồ, Hà NộiFor more information & free deliver within Tay Ho area,
please contact us via 0904241314 or check out our website